Well it seems to have taken me a very long time for me to get round to, but these are the photographs of my final installation for the narrative unit. I really enjoyed the creation of this piece and the experience. The feedback from my narrative assessment was also a vast improvement on my last unit which was reassuring. It was suggested I could have taken the idea further, perhaps suspending pieces of glass in the air to enhance the darker undertone of the piece and a sense of fragility. I would also have spent more time on lighting as this did come as more of an afterthought, a slightly better assessment of the space would have been beneficial. I think the most important aspect i'll take forward though is the use of a public space, working in the stairwell of the illustration department meant I had to let other students see, and consequently assess my work even if i wasn't comfortable with it. This project has also opened my eyes to the possibility of interiors as an avenue for further exploration, and perhaps how I could apply my practice interior design. I'm pretty sure no-one would want this as a permanent fixture in their home, especially the smashed glass aspect!...but wallpaper design, murals and textile design are all areas i'd like to consider.